Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mercy for the Victims and not the Butchers

Why British could rule Globaly and We are not even in our own country ?
(Shamelessly, But painfully, I m forced to use Britishers language.)

"There are no grounds for the exercise of the Royal prerogative of Mercy " noted Mountbatten on the cover. It took just about a long minute after going thru the mercy petition of a man who had brutally killed his wife infront of crowd. This was the First duty he did after assuming the office. It took him just 45 minutes to put off the Ceremonial Dress of the Oath taking Ceremony and put on official Clothing before he settled on his desk. 24th March,1947
>>> Page 96, Freedom at Midnight,(2006 reprint) by Dominique La'Pierre and Larry Collins

We are building Express Highway At Snails Speed for Afzal and Kasab which will ultimatly declear them Our Sons in Law !!