Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sequel Equality >

In India, every body is Equal. How ever, having money makes you More Equal. Equal Load shedding for every one. Zero load shedding for Mumbai,the More Equal. Darkness for every one. Inverters, battery battalian, Gensets for more equals. Any time load shedding in all Equal rural areas. Only day time loadshedding at Amravati, the more equal. Equal Darkness in Akola, Yawatmal, Chandrapur, Pusad, Washim. Day Night Cricket Tamasha at VCA,Jamatha, the more Equal.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Unilateral Equality

While talking to a patient I sponteneously said : Time is equal to Money. But the Money is NOT equal to the time ! For Practical implications and meaning, look back, remember incidances, share your experiances on this unilateral equation.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love : Need to Moniter the Level and Quality

When your loved ones dont understand you and dont respond in a manner you wish, its an alarm indicating either the Level or the Quality of Love or both in your heart. Top up, Purify or both and be ready for the miracle !! > Wisdom confirmed today, just now !!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dynasty Cuts Dynasty

Rahul Gandhi's election campain was aimed at ditching Rajendra Shekhawat, the official candidate , Son of President of India. Gandhi Nehru dynasty couldnt refuse ticket to Rajendra. Rahul diplomatically supported Dr.Sunil Deshmukh, the deserving opponant. While he was at Nandgaon, just 10 kms away from Amravati, Rahul treated Rajendra as a non entity. He didnt came to canvass for Rajendra at Amravati. Nehru Gandhi Dynasty don't like any other genes to over take them. The victory of Rajendra Shekhawat is a slap to Gandhi Nehru Dynasti. Thats what BJP wants but could never do it ! Thats a poetic justice. Pratibhatai, Devi singhji and Rajendra Congrates ! You have slapped Nehru Gandhi Dynasty ! Pitiably, Dr. Sunil Deshmukh was made a scape goat and martyer for Gandhi Nehru Dynasty. Its not easy for Rajendra to struggle with Gandhi Nehru Dynasty. Pratibha tai has got merely 2 year left to step down as President. All from Amravati must work to reinstate her for next 5 years. Rajendraji, wishing you good luck. Wish you become CM of Maharashtra as well as the President of the Congress party of India and nominate Rahul Gandhi for the office of President of India ! Go ahead, Aage badho ! Sabse Aage Badho ! Amravati and Maharashtra will support you. Cheers !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hierarchy in Sciences !

I found this Image in one post at

That's the integrity of the sciences.

Please don't forget to Enlarge the view by Clicking on the picture.

Enjoy !

Orionid Meteor Shower

Just now The earth has begun to pass thru 800 year old astro pugmark of Halleys Comet. Click to know about Orionids 2009 . The Nasa timing references are USA based. Maxima in India should be at around Sunset . Orion (Mrug) rises at @ 7 PM. Watch in East at Sunset & follow Orion as it climbs up to Zenith. Watching untill 23rd oct. would also be worth .

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Manish Touch !

Just Amaze ! How nicely Manish puts life in imagination ! Click on the image to E N L A R G E.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Moon Blast web cast failed ? - Part II

After a tiring post mortem of the world wide disappointment, the 10 reasons discussed yesterday are all ruled out and the Authentic Reason for no blast, no plume .. nothing seen is now discovered .!!
Pl Click on the IMAGE to E N L R A G E

Voting Holiday

The compulsory holiday on voting day is nothing but legalising the rape on the productivity of the Nation. As the nation is ruled by the Beurocrate Slaves earning 6th pay + Commissions, they dont feel it a shame. For people like me, who have small businesses, its an avoidable loss. Govt. Must provide compensation for loss of business. The issue for voting is Development n progress. How sweetly beurocrats and politician worship in the name of developement ? They made the nation stay home in the name of Development !! Whats the way out ? Any where voting machines to be kept @ Posts, Banks, Police stations, Bus n Railway Platforms and Trains. Supported with Biometric Security Checks. Vote by SMS shall be the ultimate objective. The Similarity between God and Politicians: I dont belive in either of them ! Difference betn them : God dont think its Mandetory to belive in him. Politicians belive in Compulsion to belive in them by voting. Democrasy must have place for Politically Atheists, isnt it ? Every one inspite being political athiest or political non athiest, must Work 2 hours more on the voting day. 60+ years old population should be exempted from contesting and voting as they wont be able to work for 2 extra hours on voting day. Minimum voting age shall be 15 years. And they are supposed to study 2 hours more ! ( Thanks God ! ( from an atheist! Biggest honour to Him ) I am neither below 18 nor above 60 ! ) Increasing Quality and production is the real service to our beloved Nation ! Jay ho India !! * Shekhar, The Co auther adds : Like all decisions taken by the ruling party, this is also a political
decision for gaining popularity on election day. Paid holiday at the cost of
others. Polling booths open at 7 am, so a person inclined to vote will vote
before going to work. This is a crazy decision and it is going to become a
precedence. Employees will get at least 2 paid holidays every yr. ( gram
panchayat, Corporation, Assembly, loksabha) But there is a loophole.
If giving off puts u in a considerable financial loss or u have non voting
employees, then u can keep ur establishment closed.
What about voting rights of policemen, truckdrivers, milk suppliers, railway
employees, bus drivers etc.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why LCROSS Moon Blast Failed ?

The show was really disappointing. I had taken lot of troubles to organise and update the links to suit viewers located outside USA.

My anylysis is >
1.Rocket didn't burst.
2.Rocket hit some where else , camera was not looking there.
3.Rocket hit was on a surface too hard.

4. The Crater was too deep so that plume couldn't reach the mouth.
5. The timing was wrong for the sunlight to reach the dust debris.

6. There was only that too in the Cratf itself and was showing TOP view.
7. There was no Flash to illuminate the Crater darkness while it was recording.
8. A Camera at 75-90 degrees was essential.

9. Had Chandrayan been alive, we would have seen better.

10. The Dark Crater really had water , but in the proportion beyond our imaginations, and the rocket just sunk like Titanic.
Click Here to refer earlier post about this

Friday, October 9, 2009

Moon Water Shares the Reason for Traces of Water and Death Of Chandrayaan

Pl Click on the Picture to Enlarge

Saturday, October 3, 2009

9th Oct 2009 Nasa Blasting Crater to confirm Moon Water

Click Here to know about Moon Water Blast By Nasa

Points to be noted

They changed the Target Crater coz of New Data provided by their Pay Load transported by Chandrayan.

The timing of the Blast is suitable for Direct View thru observatories and 12 inch or bigger telescopes for viewers located in USA .

For viewing at location in India or elsewhere in the world, log on to Nasa Webcast.

Follow this link to convert PDT impact time to your Local Time

PDT is pacific day light time. In above converter, as of now, choose Base Location as USA Sanfrancisco as PDT reference.

FYI, Webcast of Nasa TV starts at 3.30 PDT= 4 PM IST
Impact time 4.30 AM PDT = 5 PM IST.

At the moment of Impact, for India, the Moon will be 1.20 hrs,below east horizon.
It will rise at 6.20 PM on 9th Oct.2009

Click Here and log on to NASA web cast on 9th Sept. 4 PM India Time .

Want to know how to get water from Moon Dust ? Click Here

Friday, October 2, 2009

Jo Peed Paraayee Jaani Re..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Non inherited liability